
Showing posts from July, 2024

Trouble Shooting Time Skips.

 Time Skips When we think about writing, we often see it as a linear path: from birth, growing up, and dying. But the question for many writers is how to shape the story. Many new writers find they want to add time skips, but then there is the problem of a massive chunk of time being subtracted from the story. They want to talk about the current events of the narrative.  When developing the story, one of the questions you must ask to understand your story better is: Is there a better place to start this story? An example of this would be a beginner writer who writes about a grand hero in a fantasy world.  So, the beginner writer writes ten chapters from a side character finding the woman pregnant with the future hero, which could work in one of two ways. If the story is about the mentor questing and saving the young hero or, if it is, a multi-point of view. However, it doesn’t work when the first part of the story is about the future mentor, and then the rest of the story is